Don’t Rub Your Eyes!!

Well, we all do it but some of us more than others.

Don't Rub Your Eyes

Here’s 4 real reasons why you shouldn’t rub your eyes.

You could get an infection:

We have bacteria on our fingers and hands from day-to-day life. This could lead to conjunctivitis or pink eye.

You could damage your cornea:

The cornea is a transparent tissue at the very front of the eye. To see properly, it needs to be smooth, transparent and round. Rubbing your eyes can weaken the cornea and it is a risk factor for developing an eye condition called Keratoconus.

You can increase your eye pressure:

When you rub your eyes, you temporarily increase the pressure within your eyes and structures in your eyes are susceptible to damage.

You can damage the skin around your eyes:

When you rub your eyes, you also stretch and potentially damage the fragile skin around your eyes. This can lead to premature wrinkles and dark circles.

So, if you catch yourself rubbing your eyes, think twice. If your eyes are itchy and it’s proving difficult to stop, book your next exam to discuss options with one of our optometrists.